Stefan Brüggemann

1975 Mexico
  • foto: still, Youtube - HauserWirth

    foto: still, Youtube - HauserWirth


Stefan Brüggemann (°1975, Mexico City) develops a conceptual approach to the artistic process, which he explores with a critical and often provocative and ironical attitude, questioning its inner activity and contemporary societies. He works with a wide range of media, creating large installations, neon works, paintings and photographs.

Brüggemann’s work is a unique combination between theoretical concepts (mainly grounded on post-structuralism and deconstructionism) and pop imagery, inspired nihilism (anti-conformism, provocation and cynicism), which are often expressed through tautological premises, not only within themselves but also in relation to the context in which they are conceived and inserted.

Brüggemann’s main strategy is to insert a certain pop sensibility into conceptual practices.

foto: still, Youtube - HauserWirth


40 artists from 18 different countries present 60 artworks at 16 indoor and outdoor locations in Kortrijk. 

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